Sarah Hyland celebrates body positivity with a previously hated photo
Sarah Hyland celebrates body positivity with a previously hated photo
Sarah Hyland is celebrating her invisible illness and standing with all those suffering, as she is. Her recent Instagram picture shows her exposed stomach, with visibly loose skin.
She went onto tell her Instagram family that when she initially saw that picture she immediately felt an aversion towards it but quickly readjusted her thought process to a more celebratory one.
The star addressed her fans with a heartfelt message, saying: “To my fellow #invisibleillness warriors. It’s ok to be insecure about your body. Just remember to check in with yourself at least once a day and say thank you. Our bodies have endured unfathomable feats that our minds barely have time to comprehend what has actually happened.”
She went on to explain why her skin appears to be the way that it does: “With inflammation, excess water gain, and medications, my skin has a hard time bouncing back. I saw this picture and HATED it but quickly readjusted my attitude and decided to celebrate it. Love yourself and be patient. We are all stronger than we think we are.”
Sarah’s brave post garnered a lot of positive attention with fans pouring in with words of encouragement. One commented,” You’re stronger than anyone I know, sis! I love you!"